perm filename NAIVE.MSS[RDG,DBL] blob sn#660356 filedate 1982-05-26 generic text, type T, neo UTF8

@Case{Device,	FILE "@Style(Endnotes)",
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@Modify[Itemize, Referenced <@#>]
@Modify[Enumerate, Referenced <@#@;#@:.@1@,@#.@a@,@#.@i>]
@Modify[Appendix, Numbered <@A.>, Referenced <@A>]
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@Counter[EquationCounter, Numbered <(Facts @1)>, Referenced <(Facts @1)>,
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@Comment{ Now to keep from Breaking in front of chapters. }
@DEFINE(HdChap,Use HD1,PageBreak Off,Above .6inch)
@Counter(Chapter,TitleEnv HdChap,
	ContentsEnv tc1,Numbered [@1.],IncrementedBy Use,Referenced [@1],Announced) 
@Comment{How annoying!   Without this, the section numbers don't get reset!
	Note this is exactly what's in REPORT.MAK[scr,sys]. }
@Counter(Section,Within Chapter,TitleEnv HD2,ContentsEnv tc2,
	  Numbered [@#@:.@1],Referenced [@#@:.@1],IncrementedBy Use,Announced)

@Use(Bibliography =  "GENL.BIB[RDG,DBL]")
@Use(Bibliography =  "REPN.BIB[RDG,DBL]")
@Use(Bibliography = "META4.BIB[RDG,DBL]")

	@Comment{ Here is that battery of examples }
